Friday, August 25, 2006

May 31, 2006
You know, everyone has talents in the world, but when you stop and think about it, sometimes God chooses to bless some people more than others. I guess I'm one of those lucky people because, man, the women just love me. Red or yellow, black or white, I'm just precious in all of their sights. It's a gift man, it's a gift.

August 12, 2006
Boise sure is a kick-ass town. There's so many cool things to do. Tonight I went downtown and saw a Nickel Creek concert. They were so awesome! Chris reminds me a little of myself. Eclectically sexy, talented to the core. I can relate, man. After the concert I stopped by so get some ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery. Some woman there tipped the workers and they had to sing for everyone in the store, it was priceless! The Capitol building looked so cool at night that I had to take my picture next to it.

March 18, 2006
Well, I go home tomorrow. London has been so much fun. One of the best parts of this trip is the great public transportation the city has. I rode the Tube every single day! It's such an experience, and it makes me see how undiverse my hometown really is.
March 17, 2006
Today was awesome! I started off by heading over to see St. James Palace - apparently that's where Wills and Harry stay when they're in town.

All the walking I've been doing lately was really making me tired so I decided to take my very first British taxi ride. Those suckers sure are roomy!

The biggest bummer of the day (maybe the trip) was the construction at Trafalgar Square around Nelson's Column. I didn't get to ride the lions, darn it! But there sure were a lot of pigeons. I did make a video while I was there, though, so I'll always have that for a memory.

On the way back to the hotel in Kensington I stopped off at Picadilly Circus to get my obligatory picture of the big signs. There was one fellow American lady there who I overheard say "I don't want all those signs in my picture!" I just about died! Apparently she didn't know those were what made it such a recognizable sight. Her daughter quickly informed her that she needs to watch "Bridget Jones's Diary" a few more times.